22 Tons of Food and Hygiene Products!

About a week and a half ago, we made a gruelling 16-hour drive from Ukraine to Istanbul.
Alex was seeing how we’re buying stuff from Romania and mentioned how everything is cheaper in Turkey. By about 20%. So why not buy there?
It was the third or fifth time he mentioned Turkey so hey, why not.
After a sleepless day of reviewing suppliers, this is what we came back with. 22 tons of food and hygiene products. The intention of this purchase is to assemble the items into 3000 individual care packages that contain enough food for a family of 2 for a week, and hygiene care packages fit for 2 for a month.
These care packages can be assembled for the cost of $25 USD for a food package, and $5 for a hygiene package.
Just imagine how much impact a little donation can go for the people who need it the most :)