Humanitarian Isaac Yeung Humanitarian Isaac Yeung

3 Mobile Water Purifiers - 2200 Litres Purified Per Day Each!

Thanks to our lovely friends at Compassion Medical, we just received three mobile water purifiers donated by Air Mobile Ministries. Each unit is capable of purifying 2200 litres per day— enough for 1000 people.

These units were sent out to Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, and Zhaporzhzhia to greek catholic churches currently supporting their local communities in this time of need.

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Care Bags, Humanitarian Isaac Yeung Care Bags, Humanitarian Isaac Yeung

3000 Bags of Packing - Delivered to Kharkiv, Sumy, Zhaorzhzhia, Mykolaiv, Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Zhytomyr

And here’s the fun part- packing. And all the things that come along with it.

Fun facts, each bag weighs about 11 kilos, and we also do some pre-packing of the items inside so that they survive transport and don’t spill everywhere. This means that for packing, we need teams of people to load/unload, pre-bag items, assemble bags, and then get them ready for transportation to their final destinations.

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Humanitarian Isaac Yeung Humanitarian Isaac Yeung

Concrete, Paint, and other Materials for Orphanage Renovations

Sometimes, big change doesn’t require big spending. Bird of Light Ukraine is working with one of the most underfunded orphanages in Chernivtsi to help revitalize the facility and bring a little bit more joy to the lives of these kids.

Our plan is to eventually change how orphanage care is conducted in Ukraine, introducing more foster care and making adoption easier, but that’s going to be a long term project. For now, we’re doing what we can to make the lives of these children a little bit better. Starting with where they live.

We also plan on reconstructing their playground. Click this link for more information on that!

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Humanitarian, Orphans Isaac Yeung Humanitarian, Orphans Isaac Yeung

12 UV Room Sterilizing Air Filters for Orphaned Babies

12 UV light air filters were delivered to a local orphanage in Chernivtsi city for children under the age of 6.

These lamps will be used in baby rooms to sterilize rooms for babies to minimize airborne diseases and bacteria. This request came from the director of the facility as they have recently found themselves overwhelmed by orphans that were relocated to western Ukraine, or were orphaned as a result of the war.

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